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UNLESS you need more traffic to your web site… today!!!
Need more leads and sales… NOW? Get help from hundreds of other people through tribe marketing and watch your page rankings and website traffic skyrocket.
Ok, you have started to post articles to your website or blog to attract people and now you are waiting for the money to pour in… right? Well, as you might have guessed, it doesn’t quite happen that way but there is a tool that you will find very helpful… Tribal Marketing
Anyone serious about internet marketing knows that blog posting, social media and video are three of the key methods to expand your business but you need to “get the word out” and that can be a slow process unless you have some help.
Enter Tribe Marketing…
What is tribe marketing? Well basically it is an advertising co-op. Ad co-ops have been utilized by smart marketers for many years. The concept is simple. Each member contributes a tiny bit to leverage the purchasing power of the entire community. Tribe marketingis the web version where each member syndicates the content of other members who, in turn, syndicate your content.
What are the Benefits of Tribe Marketing
There are 2 major benefits we’ll talk about, but there are lots of benefits overall including but not limited to these.
* Automated Backlink Syndication
* Automated Facebook Integration
* Automated Twitter Integration
* Automated Blog User Participation
* Automated Search Engine Optimization Processes
* Increased Return On Investment
Net-based Tribe Marketing Outlined
Sky Rocketing exposure is the name of the game when it comes to marketing any business both offline or online.
Products and services simply do not sell themselves. Online, driving targeted traffic to your sales pages, blog content and social media outlets is critical.
One effective way to do that offline has been to create an advertising or marketing cooperatives. This is where you team up with other non-competing players and share the cost and rewards of a joint promotion. Maybe you split costs and share a full-page ad, each running a half-page ad.
The challenge with these standard approaches is you are responsible for initiating each and every foray into the market.
But now imagine if you had a longtime marketing syndication network set up where you might post your content and dozens and dozens of smart marketers like yourself plugged your content into their marketing distribution systems for instant exposure?
Welcome to the leveraged world of tribe marketing!
Think Automated Cooperative When You Think of Tribe Marketing
To take full advantage of the tribe marketing concept you have to be prepared and able to mechanically share other member’s content through a variety of social media networks.
The idea is the more content you share, the more content your tribe marketing team members will share of yours.
Tribe marketing is really a 21st century cooperative marketing concept whose time has come.
How do tribe marketers benefit precisely?
Backlinks, Backlinks, Backlinks…. Backlinks are King and they are what cause web page, blog posts and videos to rank on the front of page of the search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. Tribe marketing can be automated to immediately distribute your content to each tribe member’s social media sites. This causes a large number of backlinks from all over the world which is a critical element in the search engine algorithm.
As other tribe members share your content to their personal networks, the search engines view that as an endorsement or popularity.
This means more direct traffic, leads and easier sales.
Cooperation is the name of the game. All members are seeking to increase their internet popularity, gain a larger audience and profit from the new relationships through attraction marketing.
Starting With Tribe Marketing
Currently there are just a few of proven, time-tested tribe marketing systems available.
So you really have only two choices. You can go make your own network using a variety of sophisticated WordPress tools, article directory websites and social book marking systems and then after all of that work, you can begin to invite people to join you…
If you do not want the headache and hassle of administering your own tribe marketing system, you might want to check out TribePro.com .
TribePro offers a free trial account and you can get started with little or no costs. Later on if you like what you see, you can upgrade to one of two automated syndication options ( dependent on how much marketing you need to do ) and put the whole campaign on autopilot.
It’s potent once set up and established. In my personal experience, after using the TribePro tribe marketing system for less than 70 days and spending less than a hour a week making new auto-syndication connections, I currently enjoy the benefits of having more than 150 people sharing my content. I post content on a regular basis and shortly after posting 150 people automatically syndicate my content and I have 1500+ new places that my content page is mention on places like twitter, facebook, stumbleupon, reddit, and many other social bookmarking sites throughout the world.
Just think how long this would take if done manually. Within a few seconds my page content is spread throughout the digital social world so that it can be seen by the search engines, creating backlinks that increase the rank of that page.
Imagine the advantage that you will have over competing pages and what it can do for your website traffic, affiliate commissions and your new distributor sign-ups.
Can you say, PAGE ONE RANK ON GOOGLE ! My experience says YES, YES, YES.
With TribePro tribe marketing you will increase:
*Alexa ranking (how you rank nationally and internationally against all competing pages)
*Blog comments
*Blog traffic
*Social media followers
*Online exposure
Click here to join TribePro for FREE
To your success,
PS: If Your Upline Does Not Have a Step-By-Step Blueprint For Success, Check This Out (Unless You Already Have Too Many Leads) – Click Here For Instant Access